History of Economic Thought
Dr. Ryan Safner
118 Rosenstock
Office hours: MW 3:15–5:00PM
August 17–November 24, 2020
Meets on Zoom
This site contains the syllabus, schedule, and assignments for ECON 452: History of Economic Thought, held during Fall 2020 at Hood College.
Last Update: 16:33:49 Tue Dec 08 2020
By the end of this course, you will:
- Identify key economic writers and their contributions to economic thought
- Discuss the influence and value of different writers and their contributions
- Identify and distinguish the major schools of economic thought: Classical, Marxist, Neoclassical, Austrian, Keynesian, Monetarist, New Classicals
- Place theories and ideas studied within the context of the time
- Better comprehend the origins and context of orthodox economic theory today
- Explore critiques of orthodox economic theory from various heterodox schools of thought and understand contested areas
- Reflect on the nature of economics as a discipline
- Understand the origins of key economic concepts and models
- Trace the evolution of major ideas through time, via your own writing
Given these objectives, this course fulfills two of the learning outcomes for the George B. Delaplaine, Jr. School of Business Economics B.A. program:
- Apply economic reasoning and models to understand and analyze problems of public policy […]
- Demonstrate effective oral and written communications skills for personal and professional success[…]