1.1 — Introduction — Class Notes


Monday, August 17, 2020


Welcome to ECON 452 - History of Economic Thought! Today’s lesson will be an introduction to the course and a bit about why the history of economics matters, explain in part by looking at the profession of economics today.

If you have not done so, please watch my welcome video, read the announcements in Blackboard, take my survey, and join our class slack channel.


Please see today’s recommended readings, as well as supplementary (optional) readings of interest that I mention in today’s class. Otherwise, please heed this message:


Live Class Session on Zoom

The live class Zoom meeting link can be found on Blackboard (see LIVE ZOOM MEETINGS on the left navigation menu), starting at 3:25 PM.

If you are unable to join today’s live session, or if you want to review, you can find the recording stored on Blackboard via Panopto (see Class Recordings on the left navigation menu).


We will start getting the discussion board up and running by the end of the week on Blackboard.